Enola Gaye Wire Pull Smoke Grenade


$ 9.99 


Colored smoke is the original grenade manufactured by Enola Gaye and commonly mistaken to be the easiest to make. Our Wire Pull Smoke Grenades bellow clouds of smoke from such a small unit; what it lacks in color it gains in duration and cloud size.

In Europe all Enola Gaye Smoke Grenades are classed as a P1 pyrotechnic products; this means that you need no formal training to use them; read the label and get down to business.

Technical Specifications

Wire Pull Smoke Product Data
Fuse Delay: Approx 2 seconds
Effect: Smoke emitted from top of grenade
Effect Duration: Approximately 90 Seconds**
Effect Colour: Depends on choice of smoke
Ignition Type: Enola Gaye Wire Pull
Composition: Weight 40 grams
Size: 38mm diameter x 130mm high
Water Resistant Outer: Yes / Partial*
Cloud Density: 7/10**
Smoke Expel Speed: 7/10**